Trends 2020: Increased use of UGC content in mainstream advertising

Prateek Bhardwaj, CCO, Lowe Lintas, writes about the creative trends that will dominate in 2020. He also lists his favourite ad campaigns of the year gone by. 

What were your 5 favourite ad campaigns of 2019?

HBO + BudLight Joust

Dream Crazier by Nike


Swiggy Cricket campaign (Quesadilla commercial)




Google Assistant (Voice Search in Hindi) (Mausam ki jaankari ad)




Lux lump in a soap


What are the creative trends that you foresee in 2020?

The increased use of user generated content in mainstream advertising is a big trend. Whether it’s from YouTube or TikTok, I see even more content from UGC apps making its way into mainstream advertising in 2020. 

What we need to change in the year ahead?

We need to resist the urge to change brand strategies and ideas every quarter. In a cluttered, noisy world, consistency can be a priceless asset.

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