Twitter expands pre-roll ads to Periscope video

Twitter has introduced a new opportunity for publishers and creators to monetise their content that brands can advertise against, with pre-roll ads on Periscope video within Twitter. 

Pre-roll ads on Periscope video enable brands to merge their message with specific broadcasts from creators and publishers. The same control that brands have to design their campaigns through the Amplify program will be extended to the new opportunities created with these ads. The experience will mirror how ads currently appear on all Twitter video. When consumers scroll through their timelines or search for content from a specific publishers or creators, Periscope videos - live and replay - can start with a short ad. 

Ads on Periscope content are a new way to use live and on-demand video to reach audiences at the most relevant moments. Periscope’s authentic and interactive nature brings people immediately into compelling live experiences and the conversation that surrounds them. From 360 degree and professionally-produced broadcasts to spontaneous mobile live video, stories can be shared through a range of video content. 

Creators and publishers that use Periscope to go live on Twitter every day now have a new way to monetize their video content with these pre-roll ads. Marketers have a new source of brand-safe video advertising beyond what was previously available, including ads during live streaming programs from select premium publishers, Promoted Tweets with Periscope video and custom Amplify campaigns with premium content creators. 

Ads on Periscope videos are now available to select advertisers through custom Amplify packages, and will roll out more broadly in the coming months.

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