Twitter provides tips for brands to maximize messaging

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected lives and businesses globally. During this time one of the biggest questions has been about what communication should brands carry out and what are the consumer expectations? 

During the first half of the pandemic, we saw the anxiety in brands related to this question. While some stayed silent, some carried out communications that hampered their business while a few figured out the right way to do it. 

To help with this, Twitter's Canada team provided some simple tips to help businesses maximize their messaging amid COVID-19, in order to align with consumer expectations during the pandemic.

Here are their three tips:

1. Lead with Purpose and Positivity

One of the key elements that's grown during the pandemic is empathy, and a broader sensitivity to the impacts on general society, with people becoming increasingly aware of the challenges faced by others.

That's important to note for brands - According to Twitter, businesses should consider how they can align with purpose-driven pushes to help strengthen their brand presence and also contribute to positive change.

2. Lead with Something New

Twitter says that brands and products launched during the pandemic are seeing 15% to 25% larger growth in share of voice. More people are using social media more often while staying at home.People are also looking for new things to engage with, and launching now could be of benefit to many. 

3. Lead by Connecting 

Twitter says that it is important that brands look to tap into trends, and align with rising discussions with the consumer. Conversations on social media are more than ever and brands should become a part of these conversations. 

With these tips, Twitter provides a clearer way for brands to communicate with their consumers during the pandemic and make the most of this time. 

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