Twitter tests a new feature to report tweets that seems misleading

Twitter in its recent tweet tweeted that "We’re testing a feature for you to report Tweets that seem misleading - as you see them. Starting today, some people in the US, South Korea, and Australia will find the option to flag a Tweet as “It’s misleading” after clicking on Report Tweet.

The new option, available to some users, adds an additional 'It's misleading' option to your tweet reporting tools, providing another means to flag concerning claims. So the idea is not to stamp out specific tweets based on each users' report. But if 100, or 1,000 people report the same tweet for 'political misinformation', for example, that'll likely get Twitter's attention, while it might also help Twitter identify what users don't want to see, and want the platform to take action against, to help improve the tweet process.

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Will it have a big impact? Well, not initially at least. As Twitter notes, it's starting out small, with selected users in the US, South Korea, and Australia getting access to the option. From there, Twitter will learn what works, and what doesn't, and determine if this helps to highlight elements of concern, and improve its response to such. Anything that can help slow the spread of false claims is, at the least, worth an experiment, and while Twitter isn't looking to take direct enforcement action based on these tags, it could provide another, valuable opportunity to further improve its processes.

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