UTV Bindass Buddies is on a country wide college hunt for the best buddies!

Every year new college students in the country go through a lot of change as they begin to learn the ropes of their environments, where they learn how to cut the apron strings and get rid of the uniforms; when they start calling "teachers' as "professors', "timetables' as "schedules' and "recess' as "bunking'. College is a pretty serious place when you've just joined and are trying to fit in!

UTV Bindass is back this year with its very popular property, Bindass Buddies, the only platform where you can find a "buddy' amongst your senior from whom the newbies could quickly learn what they need to know about their new college, have a guide through those initial difficult weeks and even keep you updated throughout the year. This year Tata Docomo joins hands with UTV Bindass as the presenting partner.

The" Buddy" is any first year student's most prized khabri, giving all those andar ka khabar and sharing the important tidbits and trivia that will add zing to the newcomer's college life. A second or Third Year students will be chosen to don this role. The Bindass Buddy is the person you can go to for all the "asli dope" on your college, including things which are beyond the college Tata Docomo and UTV Bindass kick start this initiative by hunting for these prospectus from hottest items on the canteen menu to next big activity in the college.

Buddies from 200 colleges in 10 cities across India. The hunt for Buddies commenced in July 2011 and will go on till Sep 2011. The cities that will see this hulchul are: Mumbai, Kota, Pune, Kolkata, Indore, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Lucknow and Chandigarh. The search for the Bindass Buddies will be a one day activity in the colleges, choosing the best 5 buddies from each college visited. Thus, giving the country the 1000 best buddies all over India.

Keith Alphonso, Business Head, UTV Bindass comments, "Our research insight told us that the first few weeks of college, for a "fresher', are the toughest as it's a completely unfamiliar territory and they tend to feel lost. This led us to create Bindass Buddies and over the past 2 years this property has seen tremendous acceptance by students. It is by far the largest ever college contact program created which not only reaches out lakhs of college students but also connects with them emotionally"

Buddies will be given access to the Bindass.com portal whereby they can share exciting stories of their college online - this will be a secret URL accessible only to those people who have been nominated as Buddies as result of the on-ground activity. The buddies will post stories about their colleges, share news and gupshup along with the photographs, all uploaded onto the micro site through a simple and easy-to-use create-a-post page. All the stories will be accessible to the Bindass youth

This year as an extension to the on ground activity, UTV Bindass plans to extend this hot favourite on-ground property on-air, beginning from Aug 8th, Thursday, 8pm. The most interesting stories shared by the buddies will be featured on the show Tata Docomo Bindass Buddies, culminating into a 10 part series on the channel, UTV Bindass. That's not all, the Buddy whose story has been chosen, will also get to be a part of this huge initiative and will get featured on the show!!

In addition to all this, there is the Bindass Guy Hunt, where in one Bindass Guy will be elected from each college and a voting activity will go live on Facebook. An album containing pictures of the nominees will be published online. The nominee can then solicit for votes in the form of likes, comments, etc. Weekly top five to ten leaders will be featured on the ticker and the final winner will get the reward in form of an appearance on the show.

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