Watch the Prive Independence Special only On &PrivéHD

&PrivéHD commemorates this month, August dedicated as a special tribute to the strongest amongst men and a remembrance of the few who dreamt about achieving a glorious victory. Starting 2nd Augustweeknights at 9, stay tuned for movies with Prive Independence Specials that celebrate the freedom to love, live and express. Unifying the power of sports by uniting emotions, come together to enjoy a range of dynamic movies specially curated for the young and fierce in you with Prive Olympics Tribute, an all-day binge starting 12PM this Sunday, 8th August, 2021 on &PrivéHD. 


Breaker of chains, a liberator of mind or freedom of self from tethers, Independence to many cannot be singularised or defined. With this in mind, &PrivéHD brings to you, wonderful movies that remind us of strong conviction of the many that forged a path of freedom for future generations. Academy Award winner Kate Winslet in ‘Ammonite’ tells the story of a young woman bound by the social stigma associated with gay love. Her inability to profess her love keeps her at bay and her true emotions bottled, ridden with guilt and the uneasiness to express herself. Starring Golden Globe Award winner Brad Pitt, Shia La Boeuf and Logan Lerman, ‘Fury’ tells the story of a war that tainted men with fear. Yet unshaken and unbridled, in the lone face of danger, a colonel leads his men to an impossible victory. With such stories to inspire and many more to come, stay tuned for great hits every day with movies like Zero Dark Thirty, Yellow Rose, Legion and many more.

Overcoming odds to face your greatest adversary requires immense patience, an exceptional will to fathom failure and a never-give-up attitude to push ahead with consistency. &PrivéHD honours the greatest athletes in the world with a special tribute and a daylong binge of the most inspiring movies this Sunday starting 12PM onwards. Kickstart your day with watching the biopic of the legendary footballer who had feet that he could fly with ‘Pele: Birth of A Legend’. ‘Fight To The Finish’ tells the story of a man forced to defend himself from a mortal threat where he has but no option than to fight fists with fury. Look out for more such titles like ‘Hardball’ and ‘Kung Fu Dunk’ this weekend.

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