What’s Your Problem creates ad campaign for Spotify's Premium Mini

To make music more easily accessible to consumers in India, Spotify recently launched two Premium Mini plans. The daily plan is priced at INR 7, and the weekly plan is priced at INR 25. Besides providing an ad-free experience, these plans also allow listeners to download and play songs offline, leading to an uninterrupted audio experience. 



To deliver the value proposition of these new plans, What’s Your Problem (a Wondrlab company), a Mumbai-based integrated agency, has created an ad campaign that comprises two films – a sangeet dance prep with family, and a college friends’ trip. When the protagonists in the films realise their daily subscription won’t suffice, the weekly mini plan comes to the rescue. The films attempt to strike a chord with the viewers with their light-hearted and spirited tone. In line with the Premium Mini plans that are tailored for the youth, the ads are also spontaneous, free-spirited and reflect moments that matter to them.

Amit Akali, Founder and CCO, Wondrlab, said, “In a value-conscious, price-sensitive market like India, encouraging the audience to pay for their music can be a challenge. To address this, our attempt was to focus on fresh and relatable situations. For example, all of us, with two left feet and more, have stolen the show at sangeet ceremonies. We all have gone out of our way to please our romantic interest in college days. The director, Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy of Corcoise Films, with his outstanding knack for performances and understanding of natural situations, did a great job.” 

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