World Nutella Day: Share your love with Nutella

February 5th is World Nutella Day! This is a unique and delicious day for all Nutella® lovers, who come together on social media to share their love for the world’s favorite hazelnut spread.

The unique taste of Nutella® can be enjoyed on any day, to prepare recipes, to enjoy flipping pancakes and crepes with family and friends, but this is the day to share those recipes and stories worldwide. Come, let’s spread a Nutella® smile!

In 2007, American blogger Sara Rosso, spontaneously launched a celebratory day to unite the global Nutella® community and celebrate the passion for Nutella® on social media. Today, World Nutella Day is a global phenomenon, that sees thousands of fans sharing their stories and recipes with Nutella® all around the world.


To celebrate the occasion this year, Nutella® India is inviting fans to ‘Flip the Pancake’. Bollywood Superstar and Nutella India brand endorser Ranveer Singh, whose love for Nutella is no secret, launched World Nutella Day celebrations this year with fans, spreading some cheer and Nutella smiles. The campaign is live on the Nutella India social pages of Instagram and Facebook as well as YouTube channel @NutellaIndia.  Here, fans of Nutella can participate, post videos and celebrate the day with Ranveer Singh & Nutella and also get a chance to win some exclusive gifts.

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