Yoga Se Hi Hoga teaches kids to build stronger immunity

Practicing Yoga amongst kids is as important as it is for adults. It enhances their immune system, sharpen their minds and also encourages their creativity to flow. It helps them overcome their fears, anger, and sadness and builds trust in their inner self; syncing their minds and hearts. Now with Unlock 1.0 where the kids are still restricted from any form of outdoor activities and are also struggling between their online classes, Nickelodeon takes the onus in urging kids to include Yoga into their daily life with their fun and educative campaign. Under the campaign name – Yoga Se Hi Hoga, the brand sets out in spreading the awareness about how it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle and a stronger immune system.

Yoga also helps in better body awareness, self-control, flexibility and coordination. The advantages of yoga are many, especially for children with hyperactive and attention deficit disorder. Music therapy combined with asanas is a good relaxation for the child. Let’s have a look at 5 easy Yoga poses which can be performed by kids.


Practicing this asana gives strength to your chest, ankles, hips, and legs. Natarajasana increases your metabolism and helps in weight loss and digestion.



Padmasana stretches the ankles and knees and also calms the brain. It keeps the spine straight and helps develop a good posture. It also eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica



Pincha Mayurasana makes the back, shoulders, and arms strong. It gives the neck, shoulders, chest, and belly a good stretch. It improves balance and concentration.


Dhanurasana gives maximum stretch on the abdomen and abdominal sides. Regular practice of this asana helps to shed and burn fat of various regions of the body. It also helps you tone your overall body shape



Vrksasana improves balance and stability in the legs. It helps in achieving a balance in other aspects of life.

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