AgVoice | SEO is more than SEO: the Maturation of the Search Marketing Industry

Remember when inserting keywords onto a page and making sure the H tags were completed was enough to get a page to rank well? Yeah, those were the days, weren't they? Things are a little more complicated now. As search algorithms become more sophisticated, they haven't necessarily become more adept at matching pages to user desires; they still require a huge volume of user and page-creator data to connect the two well.

Search Signals

signal; they always have been. But they were the best information of the day, so search engines made do and tried to keep the spam at bay.

Even today, relatively few people know how to create links. But it's easy to like something or even to share it. That, your mama and papa, as well as your 10-year old cousins, can do. Search engines are incorporating social signals into the algorithms because they are better signals. Social signals provide us information about recency. They tell us what the world, country, or city is thinking and talking about now. And they provide us sentiment. A link from the words XYZ Company in this statement, "Man, I hate the

than breaking up the disciplines and operating in silos. | By Gillian Muessig, President and Co-Founder, SEOmoz

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