AI in TV newsrooms Part 2: The march of technology is inexorable, say experts

Image credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Image credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in TV newsrooms brings forth numerous advantages, such as efficient content generation, enhanced data analysis, and personalised viewer experiences. However, it also presents several challenges and risks that need to be carefully addressed to ensure ethical and accurate journalism. One key challenge is the potential for biased content or algorithmic decision-making, which could perpetuate existing inequalities or manipulate public opinion. There is also the risk of job displacement for journalists due to the automation of certain tasks. To mitigate these challenges, newsrooms can implement robust ethical guidelines and transparency measures to prevent bias and ensure accountability. Collaboration between AI systems and human journalists, coupled with rigorous and constant fact-checking processes, can help maintain the integrity of news reporting. Additionally, continuous monitoring and evaluation of AI algorithms can enable timely adjustments and improvements, reducing the risk of unintended consequences. By proactively addressing these challenges, TV newsrooms can harness the power of AI while upholding journalistic integrity and public trust.

AI-powered tools offer the remarkable ability to automate the creation of news content, including written articles and news scripts. With the assistance of Natural Language Generation (NLG) algorithms, AI can analyse vast amounts of data, extract key information, and generate news reports with minimal human intervention. This capability revolutionizes news production by significantly speeding up the process and increasing output. AI can bring wonders to newsrooms in various ways, enabling journalists to focus on higher-level tasks while it takes care of routine content generation, resulting in more efficient and productive newsrooms.

Also read:

AI in TV newsrooms Part 1 - Transforming the news media landscape

Transforming newsrooms: A look at key applications

  1. Enhanced data analysis: AI can process vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling newsrooms to extract meaningful insights quickly. Machine learning algorithms can analyze trends, sentiment analysis, and audience preferences, aiding journalists in identifying relevant stories and crafting engaging content.
  2. Personalised news delivery: AI algorithms can tailor news content to individual viewers based on their preferences and viewing history. Personalization enhances the viewer experience by delivering news that is relevant and interesting to them, increasing engagement and loyalty.
  3. Automated video editing: AI-powered video editing tools can automate the process of creating news segments. These tools can identify key moments, generate highlights, and stitch together footage, saving time for editors and enabling faster production of news videos.
  4. Deepfake detection: With the rise of deepfake technology, AI can play a vital role in identifying manipulated or fake videos. Advanced algorithms can analyse visual and audio cues to detect inconsistencies, helping to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of news content.
  5. Real-time transcription and translation: AI-powered speech recognition and translation tools can provide real-time transcription and translation services during live news broadcasts. This feature can improve accessibility for viewers and facilitate cross-border news coverage.
  6. Automated fact-checking: AI algorithms can assist journalists in fact-checking and verifying information. By comparing multiple sources and analysing data, AI can quickly identify discrepancies or inaccuracies, promoting accurate reporting and reducing the spread of misinformation.
  7. Audience analytics: AI-powered analytics tools can provide valuable insights into audience behaviour and preferences. Newsrooms can use this data to understand viewership patterns, optimize content strategies, and make informed decisions to attract and retain a larger audience.

The challenges

Despite the incredible advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), there are still challenges that arise from its implementation. Experts firmly believe that maintaining human oversight and timely human interventions is of utmost importance to ensure that AI-powered tools are utilized in a productive and effective manner.

The integration of AI in TV newsrooms does come with certain challenges and risks that need to be addressed, says Varun Kohli, CEO, Bharat Express News.

One potential challenge, according to Kohli, is the risk of algorithmic biases, where AI systems may inadvertently reflect the biases present in the data used to train them. According to him, this can result in biased news coverage or discriminatory decisions. To mitigate this, he suggests, newsrooms should implement rigorous data selection processes, regularly audit AI algorithms for bias, and include diverse teams in the development and testing phases to ensure a range of perspectives.

“AI algorithms may unintentionally amplify misinformation by prioritising sensational or misleading content. To address this, newsrooms should establish robust fact-checking procedures, ensure human oversight in editorial decisions, and regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of AI systems to identify and rectify any potential biases or flaws. Another challenge is the potential loss of jobs due to automation. Newsrooms should proactively reskill and upskill their staff to adapt to the changing landscape and create new roles that leverage AI technologies. Moreover, data security and privacy concerns also need to be addressed through robust cybersecurity measures and compliance with relevant regulations,” Kohli explains.

Every technology comes with its fair share of risks that every user must be mindful of to ensure responsible and ethical usage, remarks Mitesh Kothari, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer, White Rivers Media.

“Adherence to privacy regulations and transparency should always be prioritised when data is in the picture. The tech may sometimes exhibit limitations in understanding the overall context, sarcasm, or detecting subtle biases. TV newsrooms must always be aware of such limitations and implement human oversight to ensure accuracy, context, and fairness in reporting. Verification of facts and credibility of the generated content must be part of the process to avoid any misinformation roll out. Based on the current AI position, it is critical to understand that it is not a human replacement of technology by any means. It is, for now, an augmentation tech that can be best put to use by humans themselves to make their work faster and smarter,” Kothari adds.

Digital & new media advisor Sanjay Trehan sees two big challenges – context and facts. According to him, AI-based content needs to be contextually married to the TV newsroom content and at all times needs to be fact-checked. “The team needs to be trained to look at potential red flags and be regularly upskilled. Given the mushrooming of AI-generated content, it is imperative to remain ever vigilant and to ensure that the sources of content are for real. There are bad actors everywhere, who may disseminate misinformation. They can’t be allowed to have a field run. So, dharma for newsrooms should be: Verify, verify, verify!”

Revolutionising news

AI has the potential to greatly enhance content augmentation in TV news, presenting immense opportunities for delivering richer and more engaging news stories. With its diverse capabilities, AI can revolutionise the way news is created, presented, and consumed. By leveraging AI technologies, newsrooms can analyse vast amounts of data, personalise content, and create immersive storytelling experiences, ultimately providing viewers with a more comprehensive and captivating news experience.

One way AI can enhance content is through automated data analysis. By efficiently analyzing vast amounts of information from various sources, AI can uncover patterns, trends, and insights that human journalists might overlook. This allows for more comprehensive and fact-based reporting, enabling viewers to gain a deeper understanding of complex issues.

Another aspect where AI excels is in generating personalised and interactive content. By leveraging algorithms and machine learning, AI can tailor news stories to individual viewers based on their preferences, browsing history, and demographic data. This personalised approach increases viewer engagement and satisfaction, as people are more likely to engage with content that is relevant and interesting to them.

Furthermore, AI-powered technologies like natural language processing and computer vision enable the creation of immersive news experiences. Automated transcription and translation services can enhance accessibility for viewers with hearing impairments or language barriers. Additionally, AI can analyse video footage, identify relevant scenes, and generate dynamic visualizations, infographics, or augmented reality elements, enhancing the storytelling capabilities of TV news.

AI contributes to content augmentation in TV news by enabling efficient data analysis, personalised content delivery, and immersive storytelling experiences. These advancements offer opportunities for newsrooms to deliver more engaging, informative, and tailored news stories, ultimately enriching the viewer's news consumption experience.

As humans, we all have the tendency to engage more with personalised content, points out Mitesh Kothari.

He says that by leveraging AI tech, TV newsrooms can effectively deliver this based on data-driven insights, thus boosting viewer engagement, and creating a more immersive and tailored news experience. “AI enables dynamic content delivery based on viewer preferences and user profiling for more meaningful engagements. From AI-powered chatbots using natural language processing to content recommendations, the tech can be significantly leveraged by the media and TV newsrooms to enrich the viewer experience.”

According to  Varun Kohli, AI can enhance storytelling capabilities and deliver richer, more engaging news stories. “AI-powered tools can analyse vast amounts of data and provide journalists with valuable insights, trends, patterns and background information on a topic, enabling them to craft more comprehensive and informative stories. It can also generate real-time visualisations, infographics, and interactive elements that accompany news reports, making the information more engaging for viewers,” he adds.

Interest-based communities can be served curated content with a 360-degree approach that will boost content consumption as well as engagement, says Sanjay Trehan. He adds that AI and ML will also help in tracking behavioural patterns and content consumption matrices enabling quicker course correction. Besides, he points out, with the increased depth and breadth of content which Generative AI can provide, newsrooms will be able to curate/create immersive content experiences for the viewers.

Personalised content

TV newsrooms can leverage AI to personalize content for their viewers and enhance the overall viewer experience.

Personalisation, customisation and narrowcasting are three ways in which AI and ML can help newsrooms enhance content consumption experience of the viewers, says Sanjay Trehan. “By making cohorts of viewers with common interests, newsrooms can customise their offerings and boost engagement. Also, hyperlocal content will help penetrate tier 2/3 markets and elicit engagement and interaction.”

TV newsrooms can leverage AI to personalise content for viewers and enhance their overall experience, states Varun Kohli. “By analysing viewer data, AI algorithms can understand individual preferences, viewing habits, and interests. This information can be used to recommend relevant news stories, suggest related content, or personalise the presentation of news based on each viewer's preferences. By tailoring content to the specific needs and interests of viewers, TV newsrooms can create a more engaging and immersive experience, fostering stronger viewer engagement and loyalty.”

And it is equally important to collaborate with external partners, such as researchers and universities in advancing AI initiatives within TV newsrooms.

Collaboration with external partners is crucial as these partnerships bring together diverse expertise and perspectives, allowing development and implementation of cutting-edge AI technologies, points out Varun Kohli. “External partners like AI experts, tech leaders can contribute valuable research, insights, and technical knowledge to help newsrooms navigate the complexities of AI. Collaborations with researchers and universities can also facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons learned, accelerating innovation and avoiding unnecessary pitfalls. By fostering strong partnerships with external stakeholders, TV newsrooms can stay at the forefront of AI advancements, drive meaningful innovation, and ensure the responsible and effective integration of AI technologies into their operations,” he adds.

Proactive and progressive newsrooms will ensure that they leverage technology to their advantage, says Sanjay Trehan.

Essentially, Trehan adds, collaboration with researchers and universities will boost education-industry connect and help usher in a compelling competitive position that will create relevance and value for the consumers. Finally, he says, “the march of technology is inexorable. We have to embrace it but with our eyes wide open, and let it work to benefit humankind.”


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