Bring on the money

The youth of today gains a lot of admiration from the previous generation for being go-getters. Passion and interests play a very big role in all aspects of their life today. But are they really so different from the previous generation? When we asked youngsters to rank the things that they would look for in a job, the almost unanimous first choice was Money. Big emphasis was also on the non-monetary perks that the job offered and a clear definition of career goal. One of them said, "Whether I am getting to do what I want to or not, (I need a) decent pay to cover my expenses"

The company name also made a big difference because better the company the more better it looks on the resume and helps them get a better job in the future. Next on the list was the how good the office looked, the people they worked with and even convenient work timings. One of them even said, "A good company is a good name, good experience and a better opportunity for a good pay in the next job!"

It is interesting to note that the last on the list was a job that was in sync with their passion or interest. This gives us a peek into their minds. They are very clear that business and pleasure don't mix and a job's primary purpose is to help them make money that then feeds their passion!

So, bring on the money.

By MTV Insights Studio

MTV Insights Studio brings you the latest from the life of the youth. This unique understanding comes from being a part of their lives every day and not from watching them from the outside. The statistics and trends are taken from various MTV youth studies including Age of Sinnocence, Digital Socialite, Recreation Redefined and discussions on MTV iSpeak. The researches capture responses from 15-24 years across 10+ cities across India. MTV iSpeak is a network of youth in age of 18-24 years from colleges across 10 cities provides a continuous connect to the youth life. For more youth trends, please click on or write to us at


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