How I failed spectacularly through 2023!

Written by Madhukar Kumar

Ah, the joy of sharing our glittering triumphs on social media! We all do it, myself included. But I am switching gears as 2023 ends, and diving into my comedy of errors, and talking about the not-so-glamorous episodes.

First, my health and fitness saga. Picture this: a lonely treadmill gathering dust, sending me guilt-tripping glances as I repeatedly chose extra snooze time over sweat time. It has been a year of playing hide and seek with my workout gear, with me being the undisputed champion of hiding.

Sleep, or the lack thereof, has been another epic tale. My travel itinerary turned my sleep schedule into something resembling a badly plotted time travel movie – erratic and confusing! This led to my body throwing tantrums in the form of high blood pressure and anxiety. Who knew sleep wasn't just a mythical creature from fairy tales?

Now, let's talk about my culinary adventures, or as I like to call it, "Fast Food: The Burger Chronicles." I have been a resolute patron of the convenient over the healthy, possibly setting a world record in burger consumption. My veggies have been staging a silent protest in the fridge.

Reading and writing took a backseat too, turning my bookshelf into an exhibit of "Books I Swear I'll Read Someday." These unread masterpieces are now considering starting their own book club, without me.

And social connections? Well, I have been the Houdini of returning calls. "I'll call you back" turned into the catchphrase of the year. Birthdays, anniversaries, important dates – all vanished in the Bermuda Triangle of my memory. Let's just say, my New Year's resolutions are pre-written.

So, there you have it – my 2023 blooper reel! Sharing this is like stand-up comedy but without the stage and audience. It's a reminder that life's not always picture-perfect, and that's perfectly okay.

I am hereby tripping, stumbling, but ultimately, laughing my way into learning and growing in 2024!


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