Is GamStop A Panacea?

The United Kingdom has one of the biggest gambling communities in the world. With the legal gambling age being 18, it's no wonder that the UK has secured a spot in the top 10 gambling communities. The gambling community is getting more popular in the UK and continuously growing with new gamblers entering the field. This can be attributed to the emergence of online gambling sites operating in the UK that offer lucrative offers, welcome bonuses, and high odds to the gamblers.

Starting at an early age in these highly facilitated casinos, one can easily develop an addiction to gambling. This wild addiction can drive you to
gamble with all you have and, in chance, lose everything. To save you from this addiction, GamStop is your one-stop solution. GamStop is a free service through which you can exclude yourself from accessin online gambling websites for a limited time. It is licensed in England and is also known as the National Online Self Exclusion Scheme Limited (NOSES).

Is GamStop the Panacea Against Gambling?

Panacea refers to a solution for all kinds of problems. So, the question we are trying to address here is, “Is GamStop the panacea against gambling?” To be fair, no, it’s not. Why, you may ask? To understand this, you need to know how GamStop works. GamStop will indeed block online gambling service providers, but it can only block those gambling sites that are registered in the UK and some other sites outside of the UK that agreed to follow the scheme. And it needs information that you will provide in the registration process. If you didn’t provide information about all your gambling accounts and activities, then GamStop will not work properly.

Even if you have provided all your information correctly, you can still access online gambling by creating a new account. Or you can access offshore gambling sites that are not in the GamStop scheme using a VPN. These were some reasons why we cannot term GamStop as the panacea against gambling. 

Recently, many gamblers from the UK have registered at GamStop. Some out of depression, and some accidentally. Many of these registered members have changed their minds and want to gamble again. But the problem here is that their registration to GamStop is limiting their access to the gambling accounts.

We know that GamStop is not any panacea for gambling. So, let us look at some of the ways gamblers can bypass GamStop’s scheme.

How to Bypass GamStop Blocking

There is more than one way to bypass GamStop if you have registered accidentally. One way is, you can use a new account for gambling. GamStop only blocks your existing accounts and the accounts you have told them about. So, if you just open a new account, GamStop will have no power to block you. Another way is to play on gambling sites that are offshore and not listed on GamStop's scheme. Gambling sites in the UK are bound to participate in the GamStop scheme, but the sites outside of the UK are not. So, you can easily gamble on them by accessing them with a VPN. As you are accessing gambling sites outside of the UK, you should be careful about which sites to choose. We would recommend you to check possible ways around GamStop at It provides the reviews and all popular alternatives among UK players who decided to try gambling facilities outside the GamStop.


Gambling gives you an incomparable experience of winning real money. This thrill is what keeps the community growing more day by day. But you can also lose money very easily on gambling. Some want to fight that addiction. Even though GamStop has its own flaws, it is probably the best way to do so. But it does create an inconvenient situation for those who have registered accidentally or those who changed their minds. For them, there are still ways to access gambling facilities by going around the GamStop scheme.


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