Women leaders at Google India getting candid on their career

The power to demolish these inner gremlins is within yourself.” SapnaSapna Chadha Vice President, Marketing, India & South East Asia Chadha
Vice President, Marketing, India & South East Asia -“We women need to find ways to quieten the voices in our heads that can hold us back, and learn to ignore the external voices we may hear that can make one feel like giving up. The number of times I let this get to me in my early career is countless. I now know that the power to demolish these inner gremlins is within myself. From getting talked over in meetings to overhearing a male colleague say that "I was too ambitious and he'd never ‘let’ his wife do what I was doing", I now realize that I need to use my voice to push ahead, instead of curling me up inside my head. Today, I use my voice for others, as well as to amplify the male voices that champion change, and there are many. If I overhear something that bothers me today, I immediately think of the male allies I have that have supported me. The worst thing in the world is to let self doubt be the thing that holds women back.”


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