Adgully Exclusive | Focusing on Print Media and Activation for public awareness: Salora International's Gopal Jiwarajka

Commanding a sizable presence in both Indian and overseas market, the leading player in the Indian consumer electronics industry, Solara, has come a long way since it started its operations in 1968. After surmounting a stagnant position in consumer electronics it is now looking to bolster its presence in the highly competitive market of mobile handsets.

Salora international Ltd with a track record of over 33 years in manufacturing and distribution stands tall with a net worth of USD30 million. SIL is a listed entity on both, the Bombay Stock Exchange as well as National Stock Exchange.

Adgully caught up with Gopal Jiwarajka, Managing Director, Salora International ltd. to know more about its foray in the Mobile segment , its strategy to counter competition and lot more.

One asking about what prompted him to get into the Mobile Handset space, he said, "Salora International, a 35-year-old company, has been in the mobile distribution business for many years and has partnered with a number of leading international & national brands as a marketing & distribution partner. With an established infrastructure & a great hands-on experience in marketing & distributing handsets, we felt the time is ripe to launch our own brand of Salora handsets for the Indian consumers."

But the question arises, what will be edge of their products Vis a Vis other players and how are they looking at countering competitors?

The legend SALORA appears in pure red, denoting an organization full of dynamism and vigor, the joint letters that form the name, represent unity of strength and vision. The letter "A" which appears as inverted "V" at the end of our name, speaks of an organization which is willing to explore new horizons, break barriers of convention and accepted belief. The swish below the initial letters encompasses our belief that as an organization it's our first and foremost duty to bring smile and spread Joy amongst all our stakeholders; employees, business associates, suppliers, dealers, distributors and above all, our millions of customers.


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