Wyplay and Sceenic collaborates to deliver co-watching solutions for TV operators

Wyplay – a global Tv Professional Services and Video Platform Solution provider, and Sceenic – the leading provider of interactive viewing experiences, have partnered to bring innovative co-watching solutions to TV operators.  

As soon as the TV set has been introduced in our lives, it brought various ways to consume content: watching live TV or movies at home with family and friends, enjoying live sports in bars, post-watch discussions with colleagues and friends. 

Today, the devices fragmentation and screens multiplication (connected TVs, Smartphones, Tablets, and Computers) combined with on-demand and over-the-top playbacks are multiplicating the opportunities to share moments in front of a video stream. At the same time, people use them as new means of watching content anytime, but mostly alone. 

The desire to stay connected and exchange remotely (e.g., social media) increases considerably. As a result, spectators feel the need to share moments even remotely. This phenomenon has particularly increased during the crisis we have been going through. 

Sceenic is the award-winning leader in developing Watch Together technology (real-time video calling SDK), enabling people in the same group to watch the same content, fully synchronized, while also communicating via voice and video with all group members.  Results in greater viewer engagement, customer acquisition, and increased viewing time. 

By integrating and adapting this technology in its solutions for TV operators, Wyplay brings fresh and unrivalled experience, increasing subscriber stickiness and thus reducing churn. The solution is available on Mobiles and STBs, whatever the Operating System is; AndroidTV, RDK, or Linux. 


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